Featured performers and Raffle Prizes from VM2010
For the record...
- Beeri Moalem
- Benjamin Simon
- Charith Premawardhana
- Charlton Lee
- Daria D'Andrea
- David Cann
- Ellen Ruth Rose
- Ethan Filner
- Jason Pyszkowski
- Jodi Levitz
- Katrina Wreede
- Kristine Venstrom
- Madeline Prager
- Patricia Heller
- Paul Yarbrough
- Pauline Metzgar
- Sharon Wei
- Thomas Tatton
- Wendy Clymer
and VIOLAMANIA! RAFFLE and Auction ITEMS included
- 2 Tickets to a SF Symphony concert of the holder's choice
- 2 Tickets to Edgar Meyer Solo Recital presented by SF Performances
- 2 Tickets to the SJ Chamber Music Society's concert by 'Musicians from Marlboro' in April 2011
- 4 VIP guest passes to the Legion of Honor or the de Young Museum, from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
- Andrea Rosin, "David" for solo viola from Roland Feller
- Assorted Instrument Accessories from Joan Balter
- Busking Fiddle Tunes for 2 Violas, arranged by - and from - Deborah Greenblatt
- Cadenza solo in Telemann G Major Viola Concerto Third Movement (Andante)
- Dinner for 2 at Balboa Cafe in SF
- Dominant and Helicore Viola Strings Sets from Roaldn Feller
- Featured artist CDs
- Free 1-hour Alexander Technique session with John Baron (Sausalito)
- Free Bow Rehairs from John Greenwood
- Private viola lessons from Katrina Wreede, Jodi Levitz, Madeline Prager, and Ellen Ruth Rose
- Regency Maestro Viola Case from SW Strings
- Southwest Strings Gift Certificate
- Stylistic Duos for Two Violas, by - and from - Jeremy Cohen
- The complete Rolla Viola Duos (5-volume set) from Kenneth Martinson
- Viva Viola shoulder rest from Roland Feller
- World Premiere Edition, First Copy, of E.Ysaye Sonata No.3 Op.27 for Violin Solo, arranged for Viola Solo by David Cann (autographed)
- York Bowen Fantasy Quartet for 4 violas, Comus editions of Moonlit Apples and Poem by Kenneth Harding, and "Connecting the Dots"; all edited or written by by Thomas Tatton