Piggybacking on the Classical Revolution schedule: NCVS Viola Night! The plan is to fill the space with Viola Music by Violist-composers, dead or alive... Bring your viola, any music for viola(solo, duo, other ensemble...) and a stand, and we'll see what happens. Other instruments welcome; some of the best music for viola can be found within some of the quartets written by composer-violists like Mozart and Dvorak (to name just two obvious classical masters)...
May 5th at SoCha Cafe in San Francisco 8-10:30pm (TBC)
Same deal as the 7th except the theme of this round will be "But it Sounds Better on Viola!" - music written for other instruments that violists past and present have transcribed for our instrument. For example: (Brainstorming here...) Bach Cello Suites and Violin Sonatas & Partitas. Telemann 4 Violin Concerti. Bach Double violin concerto. Brahms Clarinet Sonatas (Yes, he did the transcriptions for viola himself but we'll count it for tonight). There are plenty others out there. Bach Chromatic Fantasy & Fugue (who's game for that beast?) -- Must be other non-Bach options. Please get in touch with norcalviola @ gmail.com or look us up on Facebook (search for Northern California Viola Society) to make more suggestions.
August 30 2010, 6:30-7:30 Pre-concert reception,8-9pm Concert:
Classical @ the Freight with the SF Chamber Orchestra (Freight & Salvage, Berkeley)
This date has just been confirmed with the powers-that-be; more details to come!