Latest NCVS happenings...
Our 2024 Finals Concert:
10, 2024 at the University of San Francisco in the Studio Theater,
Yufei's Stamitz Concerto positively sparkled, Katherine showed a gorgeous color
palette in her Bartok, Eleanor wowed us with her rich deep sound in
Brahms, Bryan's York Bowen Sonata was strong and romantic, Rebekah's
polish and imagination showed in everything she played, Liam held us in
thrall with his Bloch and Colin dazzled us with his Hoffmeister, it was
truly an afternoon to remember. Each young violist showered us with their brilliance starting with a Bach movement and finished with a unique and playful take on the new piece, composition contest winner "Baby elephant wandering deep in thought" by Alischer Ikramutdinov of Vienna, Austria.
Congratulations to all of our truly outstanding young 2024 finalists: Yufei Shen from Pleasanton, Katherine Yang from San Mateo, Eleanor Gil from San Jose, Rebekah Sung from Fremont, Bryan Im from San Jose, Liam Young Skeen from Richmond and Colin Breshears from San Pablo
Awards: First Place: Colin Breshears
Second Place: Liam Young Skeen
Third Place tie: Rebekah Sung/Bryan Im
Judges’ Award: Eleanor Gil
Best Bach Performance: Colin Breshears
Best Performance of New Piece, “Der Kleiner Elephant”: Colin Breshears
Violist Adjudicators: Don Ehrlich, Pamela Freund & Thomas Tatton