We held a very successful 2019 Young Violists Competition. The concert and finals of the competition took place March 10, 2019 at the San Francisco Community Music Center. This was open to outstanding young violists age 19 and under as of Jan 6, 2019. See the NCVS Young Violists Competition page (button above) for details. We are at work on a May 11, 2019 Spring Salon and a November 11, 2019 ViolaMania 4 - watch this space, and if you're interested, email us at to get involved! This non-profit organization management thing gets tricky, since all of us (volunteers) involved in running it are pretty busy with a variety of other things as well as trying to boost the community's love for all things viola. So, thanks for your patience but in reality more will happen if you get involved yourself and make it happen!

We wish you a wonderful 2020! Get in touch if you have any great ideas for new NCVS activities! Email us at